By Natalia Rivera
The lack of audit and control within past and current legacy enterprise systems is something of concern, and you should take note of such qualities within your business’s system. Why you ask? Well, without the correct controls and governance, your business, or any business for that matter, will suffer dire consequences.
You’re probably thinking that if you are currently in a similar situation, chained to legacy ERP software with little to no controls, you can easily patch the problem up with other technologies. This is not always the case. Some of the many drawbacks that come with this patchwork solution are inefficiencies, difficult documentation practices, maintenance issues, and lack of comprehension. As more and more companies move to the cloud the ability to integrate new technologies with your legacy ERP system becomes difficult, or in many cases, not even possible.
Currently, traditional ERP systems hold too many steps leaving room for error, lack of automation, and ultimately costing you more money and precious time. Even if your business makes only one change to a corporate process with an on-premise system, you’re looking at thousands in implementation costs. The fix? Invest in a new and upgraded cloud enterprise ERP system that will have (it’s a must) control capabilities built into the foundation. With that in mind, that is why the CBOS ERP platform was designed with control concepts and ease of auditability as one of the core developments.
So if you’re in the market for a new ERP solution, be sure to be mindful of the control you will have over such important data and processes. CBOS cloud erp software can help drive your business foward. Call us today at 404-369-1800 to learn more.